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2: Hieroglyphs by Serge J. P. Thomas

Signs by S. Thomas, who has created most of JSesh's glyphs
S.J.P Thomas has sent me quite a few nice hieroglyphs for JSesh. Some of them go into JSesh's standard sign list, but he usually includes many variants for a sign, and also signs which haven't an official encoding yet. Here is a complete collection of those signs. Please note that the signs code are sometimes a bit arbitrary, and should not be considered as final codes (the same goes in fact for all signs in this catalog). M. Thomas id for signing signs is 22. When I choose to use a different code for the signs than the code he gave, I use the code 248.
02 the first collection of signs sent for JSesh.
05 Detailled drawing and sketches
06bis Hightly detailled Maat sign.
07 Various signs from the Faulkner Concise Dictionary, in particular detailled determinatives without MDC code.
08 tests.
09 tests.
36 The C family (gods)
37 The B family (woman)
39 The A family (man)
40 The G family (birds) and a few other signs.
41 The H family (parts of birds)
42 The L family (lesser animals)
43 The A family (man) additionnal signs
44 The E family (man)
45 The E family (animals)
46 various signs, needed for Middle Egyptian dictionnaries
47 The D family (man)
48 The I family (reptiles)
49 The N family (man)
50 The M family (plants) and a few others
51 The O family (buildings)
52 The P family (boats)
53 The P family (boats)
54 The Q family (Furniture) by S. Thomas.
55 The R family (Temple furniture) by S. Thomas.
56 The S family (crowns, dress, staves) by S. Thomas
57 The "T" family (weapons, hunting, butchery) by S. Thomas. (I'll soon add an updated version with commented signs).
58 additionnal signs for "T".
59 T family. additionnal signs.
60 U family
61 U family. Additionnal signs.
62 V family (Ropes, fibres, baskets) by S. Thomas And a number of other signs.
63 W family (vessels of stone and earthenware) by S. Thomas And a number of other signs.
64 The "K" family (fishes) by S. Thomas. Quite a few beautiful signs.
65 The Aa family by S. Thomas
66 X and Y family
67 Last but not least, the Z family by S. Thomas concludes the inclusion in JSesh of a complete set of Manuel de Codage signs. The next step will be to create facilities to improve this library, and to deal with new signs.
68 Various nice signs by S. Thomas. Some are improvement on older signs (a number of nice ducks, ?? ibexes, bulls), others have been created for a fac-simile of Louvre C15 stela.
69 Lots of crowns, a creation triggered by the reading of Maria Nillson, "The crown of Arsinoë II. The creation and development of an imagery of authority" A number of other signs, including signs for a simplified font (which might be quite useful for small devices).
70 A large catalog of updated and improved signs. Includes a number of small scenes (in particular, elements from stela Louvre C15)
71 A collection of signs based on a new version of G17 (the owl) by S. Thomas
72 improved versions of G1 and a few others
73 Lots of improvements on sign drawing, and variants.
74 Redrawn and completed I family.
75 Lots of nome signs, including many variants.
76 Improved drawings for D1 and D2.
77 A few signs in the U family
78 Old Kingdom signs (mainly)
79 Missing signs to cover the whole Manuel de Codage/Hieroglyphica encoding
80 Update to the F family