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A2 A2 sign, inspired from an original on the walls of the Hypostyle hall in Karnak. Heavily reworked.
A9 A2 sign, inspired from an original on the walls of the Hypostyle hall in Karnak. Heavily reworked.
A40 Original by SJP Thomas, from KV57. Simplified to match the Pashed font style (60px wide lines) by S. Rosmorduc.
A50 from an original in Karnak Hypostyle hall.
A51 from an original in Karnak Hypostyle hall.
A51A from an original in Karnak Hypostyle hall.
A82 A82 sign created from various parts, mostly based on examples from Karnak hypostyle hall (except the head).
A223 Sign from a Medinet Habu relief. The actual relief is not a hieroglyph, but the pose of the Lybian captive corresponds to A223.
A311A Monumental Ta-tennen hieroglyph from Karnak (south external wall of the Akh-menu). From personnal picture.