Simon016 - Macros or stored MdC in an additional user database

Hi Serge

It would be a good idea to allow the user to store a couple of "specials", based on the JSesh functionality already present. The solution would be to implement macros - or at least stored sequences of MdC. This would simply mean that you can give a name - e.g. "st" - to something like


and store it along with all the other signs.

This is already working in a nameless fashion using (graphical or MdC) copy and paste via the clipboard. All that's missing is a name tag and a suitable storage mechanism. This way the user does not have to tinker around with "your" s or start defining his own new glyphs with appropriate ligature areas.

I think in the case of JSesh, storing the "Edit group" output would be the right way to go. You could offer an extra button "Save as ..." along with a text input field for a name.

Basically speaking, everything is almost already there. The only dev decision to take is where to store it - either as a file, or as a composite sign in the database. The latter would be the more elegant solution.

An extra database just for composites would also be a feasible solution. At least then the implementation would not accidentally break anything that is already working. But adding it to the proper database (or collection, or whatever) really would be a super solution. You would, however, have to offer at least some way of deleting such a composite again.

However, it is all not quite so trivial as it would seem at a first glance. Apart from that, the composite - as I have foreseen it - would not be included in any of the general tags - e.g. "armed character", "bird", etc. If at all, the cheapest solution would be to provide a new tag called "my composites".

Regards, Simon


Hi Serge

I am not sure I meant a "glossary".

I'm after the possibility of storing MdC sequences into a user database that runs parallel to the main sign database. For the input I am suggesting saving the output of "Edit group". At the moment you can store the output of "Edit group" by copying the result into a second "library" document. Then you can actually copy and paste from your library doc into the doc you are working on. (At the moment this needs a 2nd instance of JSesh running - which is a pain in the ass.)

Obviously, the right place to put user sign group assemblies is in the same type of database all the signs are in and give them an appropriate tag. Then the user could key in the tag as a search argument and receive anything it is pointing to - either out of the standard database that comes with the product, or out of the user database. Both results would be combined to a single spacebar pageable output.

A major difference between the "standard" database and the "user" database would be the fact that the main standard database actually contains graphics. The user database would not. It is only storing MdC - i.e. directives based on signs already existing in the standard database. Mostly these would be composites - i.e. groups of signs with X, Y, size directives.

Do you get the idea?

