Testing JSesh release 7 for Mac


Dear all,

I am testing the possibility to release JSesh 7 as a complete software for Mac (no more java to install).

Well, basically, it means that Java is in fact included in JSesh. It will be easier and safer (but a larger download). Now, I must check if there are problems.

If you are a brave, fearless tester, with a Mac computer, you can download https://files.qenherkhopeshef.org/jsesh/JSesh-7.0.1-dist.pkg

And then start the installer program.

I'm particularly interested in:

  • the way it works on various variants of Mac OS X.
  • very high resolution machines (also known as "4K" screens)
  • what you think about the installer (although I don't have many options there), see below.

About the installer

Using the installer

The installer is easy to use : start it and follow the instructions. You have two options: you can install JSesh for all users (the default system), in which case you will be asked for your admin password ; if you don't want to type it, you can click on "change install location" button when presented with the "Destination" choice screen, and choose "for me only" (or something like that, I see the installer in French on my computer). In this case, JSesh will be installed in the Application folder in your "home", not in the global Application folder.

technical stuff

This is a somehow technical text, to explain the problems behind JSesh distribution on Mac.

Basically, the main problem is that JSesh uses Java, and it's difficult for most users to have a correct java installation. Besides, installing java also installs the java plugin in your web browsers, and this is not a very good thing (although recent browsers disable java).

So, JSesh is now distributed with its own version of Java. No more browser plugin, and I'm pretty sure the version is correct for JSesh.

My previous attempt, using a ".dmg" disk file, is nice, but doesn't work very well, because of a recent system Apple has set up, called translocation. This system is fine if your application is a single file. But JSesh has a folder with two applications and its hieroglyphic texts. So, the only way to distribute JSesh in a user-friendly way is for me to use the package format.

Serge Rosmorduc

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