Bugs non résolus

Problems with EMF and long lines

When pasting long lines using the EMF graphical format, the text might appear as striked out :

striked out text

I need to investigate the code for EMF (it's quite certainly linked to the limitations to number values in EMF, but it doesn't affect all points...)


Until the bug is officially fixed,...

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A small problem with Inkscape

In the JSesh videos, I suggest to create signs with a quadrant size of 1800px as a basis. This way, you can copy them directly in your JSesh hieroglyphic folder, without any resizing.

However, I had problems with a newly installed version of Inkscape.

The sign, which was supposed to appear with...

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Copy/Paste problem with Word on Windows 10

Apparently, on Windows 10, some users experiment problems with copy/paste to Microsoft Word when they use RTF as copy/paste format. Some of them have tried OpenOffice to check if the problem was due to Word or to Windows, and copy/paste seems to work correctly in OpenOffice. So the problems is lik...

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