JSesh News
I have recently received a JSesh rendering of three interesting texts typed by Tariq Hanafi Ahmed:
- O. DM 1057 (an very interesting love spell);
- O. Náprstek Museum P 2027 (lively letter about family problems and request for food);
- O. P. Leiden I 353 (caption to an amuletic text).
Some resources for those among you who are not afraid of code:
Mark-Jan Nederhof has created a new OCR software for hieroglyphs. It's a research project, so you need to be prepared to face python code, but you can download it at https://github.com/nederhof/hocr.
He has already created another...
The team working on hieroglyphs and unicode is working hard, and Andrew Glass, who is a specialist of OpenTypes, has produced a very nice font which can handle the new Unicode operators.
You will find it in Andrew Glass's font tools project.
If you want the font, you can download it from this...
A few years ago, we were asked to produce a number of signs, mainly from the Old Kingdom.
M. Serge P. Thomas (mostly) and Serge Rosmorduc (for a small part) have therefore produced versions of these signs. Furthermore, in addition to those, M. Thomas has sent a set of interesting revisions of sign...
On “recent” windows computers (well, after Windows 7 if I remember well, which means recent means something like less than ten years old), the user is protected against installing unsigned softwares.
To make a long story short, this is a trend which began on smartphones, with the creation of app...
Our colleagues at the Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptia are definitly very active regarding open data. They have published a lot of interesting ressources :
Our colleagues of the Open Richly Annotated Egyptian Corpus have created two meta-search engines.
A followup to my old post about deep learning...
An egyptological coverage of my work has been published in Lingua Aegyptia, with full details. I still intend to write something more computer-science oriented, only it always moves to the bottom of my todo list.
Then I have been happy to fi...
An Egyptian colleague, Hany ZARIF, has been kind enough to send me a translation of JSesh menus in Arabic. I intend to integrate them in the main version of JSesh. I will probably first propose a specific Arabic version of JSesh. The reason is that it's not sufficient to change the texts : the layou...
The JSesh text library has been extended with a number of new texts, provided by Mustafa Bilgin and Émil Joubert.
- A full rendering of the Prisse Papyrus, with the teachings of Geminikai (or Kagemni, whatever rendering you prefer), and Ptahotep, typed by Émil Joubert for the online edition of ...