Forum JSesh

Forum sur JSesh, en français et en anglais.

Le nouveau site de JSesh n'a pas de forum actif (parce que je ne souhaite pas le gérer). Ce forum est une archive.

Je copierai cependant ici, avec l'autorisation de leurs auteurs, les suggestions et questions intéressantes que je recevrai à propos de JSesh.


Discussions about HieroTeX, an extension for the LaTeX text processor I made long time ago (1993 !), but which is very useful for long texts (e.g. books).

HieroTeX has been used for publishing a few books: Dagmar Budde, Die Göttin Seschat, and Vincent Pierre-Michel Laisney, L'enseignement d'Amenémopé.

As basically it works reasonably well, little work has been done on it since a few years, but at some point, I'll certainly write a Java engine for producing LaTeX code for hieroglyphs... except if someone feels like doing it right now :-)

Questions sur JSesh (en Français)

Un forum de questions/réponses sur JSesh, en Français.

JSesh lists in english

JSesh related discussion lists.

If you request a user account for this site, you can post and reply in these forums. The forums are moderated, which means that your posts won't appear straight away. I'll keep the content of the forums quite focused, so this is not the place for general discussions.

Also note that, as JSesh evolve, I will probably delete the posts which are no longer relevant (i.e. you had requested a feature, and it has been implemented).

Currently, there are two forums lists, one on desired features of JSesh, and one devoted to user help.