Two notable book publications with JSesh

In the beginning of JSesh, I had a page about "books published with JSesh". Now that JSesh is more or less the mainstream editor for Hieroglyphic texts, it would be quite an overwelming task - and this website is not meant to be the OEB :-)

This being said, I am very proud to see JSesh used extensively in two important text editions :

  • the first one is the edition of P. Louvre E 31847, a very large medical papyrus : Thierry Bardinet, Médecins et magiciens à la cour du pharaon, une étude du papyrus médical Louvre E. 32847

Bardinet, Médecins et magiciens

  • the second one is Josua Aaron Roberson Ramesside Inscriptions, Historical & Biographical, IX, the sequel of K. Kitchen's KRI.

Ramesside Inscriptions IX

Serge Rosmorduc

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