JSesh News

New signs


M. Serge Thomas has just sent me a number of signs which cover the few missing codes in the Manuel de Codage. JSesh has now officially a complete coverage of the Hieroglyphica...

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A number of decorative signs by S. R. Banham


Mr. S. R. Banham has sent me a number of signs. They are a bit too detailled for use in normal text processing - and even sometimes a bit too fancy - and thus I don't publish them in the "sign library", but their might interest users looking for detailled and decorative signs.

Here is a short pre...

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glyphs encoding

The sign D396 D396 is a nice example of the problems we might have with sign lists.

The sign is not in the original "Manuel de Codage", nor in the original (black lead) IFAO fonts. In the Hieroglyphica (and in JSesh current fonts), the sign is made of the eye sign on the "qd" sign (Aa28). Now,...

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A new set of signs for JSesh


S. Thomas has recently sent to me a number of beautiful signs from Theban Tomb 192. you can find them there.

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