Bugs Résolus

Install problems on windows 8 or 7?

Some people have told me they had problems installing JSesh on Windows 7 or 8, running Java 1.8. I think it's not generalized (I can certainly run JSesh on my PC running Windows 7).

(some people seems to have similar problems with other java softwares: http://ibkb.interactivebrokers.com/article/2...

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Bug in the palette

In recent versions of JSesh, when a sign is selected in the palette by using a "phonetic" code, the software freezes when one clicks on the hieroglyph in the palette in order to insert it in JSesh.

This bug is probably quite old (as old as JSesh 6.2.0 probably). Again, don't hesitate to signal me...

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Bug in java 1.7 on the mac

There is a bug in the latest version of Java on the mac, which cause problems when one wants to select a folder in JSesh (for instance for hieroglyphic fonts).

The folder selector doesn't allow to select a folder, if java is java 1.7: http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=7161437

(Short histor...

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