Bugs Résolus
There are really two bugs:
Due to an old bug in linux versions of openoffice (http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=66718) the system I have created for JSesh 2.11.5 won't function on linux. It's fixed in 2.11.6.
The system doesn't function with Openoffice 3.1.1 on Mac OS X neither....
Pictures copied from JSesh in "wysiwyg" mode, and pasted into openoffice, don't contain the correct information for pasting them back in JSesh. In fact, they are always in Pict format.
Version 2.10.5 has a problem when ran with old versions of Mac OS X (10.2). Download version 2.10.6 to solve the problem.
I won't make it a regular distribution until I have had some reports. Other users: the only change is that some files are ignored by Mac OS if Mac OS is too old to understan...