Versions de JSesh

Version 2.4.16

this release mainly adds new signs to JSesh

  • complete "C", "G", and "H" families: all the gods and birds you wanted, and more.
  • a few signs have been fixed when they contained errors.
  • the data on the "C" family has been completely typed, so that you can see what the palette can do. Find a god...

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Version 2.4.15

The most notable improvement of 2.4.15 is the addition of a new software: the sign info editor. It allows one to add information on signs, for instance transliteration and sign description. I hope that some JSesh user with enough expertise in Egyptology will take advantage of this to improve the exi...

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Version 2.4.13c

Small bug fix in cut and paste (colors could get wrong in some cases). Added lots of women signs.

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