JSesh lists in english
JSesh related discussion lists.
If you request a user account for this site, you can post and reply in these forums. The forums are moderated, which means that your posts won't appear straight away. I'll keep the content of the forums quite focused, so this is not the place for general discussions.
Also note that, as JSesh evolve, I will probably delete the posts which are no longer relevant (i.e. you had requested a feature, and it has been implemented).
Currently, there are two forums lists, one on desired features of JSesh, and one devoted to user help.
Egyptological Questions
Various egyptological questions related to JSesh (discussing sign values, and so on...)
JSesh internationalisation
Discussions (and work) on making JSesh work in languages other than english.
Copy, paste and graphical export
This forum deals with the various copy/paste exports problems in JSesh.
Please, if you meet a problem copying from JSesh to another software, consider posting here. If you have a solution too :-)
Be precise : what is your system (windows seven, mac os X leopard...), what is the sofware, what versions are you using, etc...
Machine specific questions
This forum deals with problems with JSesh which are specific to a certain machine.
Transliteration fonts
Discussions about transliteration fonts and encoding in general
Using JSesh in Java Programs
Anyone who knows how to program in Java can use JSesh to include hieroglyphs in his applications. This is done, for instance, in the Openglyph software. Now, I admit that the programmer documentation for Jsesh is far from complete. Hence, this forum.
Sign lists
A discussion of sign lists for JSesh. What signs are most needed, the way to extend those lists, etc.
JSesh future
Discussions about features needed in JSesh
JSesh user questions
Help about using JSesh. Questions and answers.