JSesh News

Brill font and Egyptology


updated on 2023/10/03

Brill has published a font family for its publications. I admit I haven't looked closely at its legal limitations, but anyway, it's a nice step in the right direction: it has full support of Egyptian translitteration, including "Egyptological yod", made with i and U+0486 (as...

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Publications récentes


J'ai reçu récemment, envoyés par les auteurs :

Sylvie Cauville & Mohammed Ibrahim Ali, Philæ, itinéraire du visiteur, Peeters 2013

Guide très détaillé du temple de Philæ (328 pages !), avec de nombreuses photographies, traductions et commentaires d'inscriptions hiéroglyphiques choisies, donnée...

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LibreOffice 3.4.3, Mac OS X and JSesh

I have just downloaded LibreOffice 3.4.3 (one of the versions of OpenOffice). And I am very pleased.

At last, the hieroglyphs are antialiased.

Copy/Paste using RTF with EMF as graphical format works well, and allows to paste back the hieroglyphs into JSesh. The only problem (If I insist on fin...

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New signs by S. Thomas

Serge Thomas has kindly sent me a number of improved versions of JSesh signs. There are two new collections.

The first one contains lots of signs in all families, and the second one contains an improved "I" family.

Go to http://jsesh.qenherkhopeshef.org/fr/signlib/showCatalog/2

and look at co...

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New documentation

JSesh documentation will move from the main site to a secondary one : https://jseshdoc.qenherkhopeshef.org. This way, I intend to involve more people, so that translations of the documentation are available.

Currently, well, I need to write the documentation of JSesh 5.0 in the first place...

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Beta (or alpha ?) version of JSesh 5.0

If you are fearless, and want to try buggy, incomplete software, and have a look at what the next JSesh will be, you can download it here

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An experimental Unicode font for hieroglyphs

I have just published a Unicode font for hieroglyphs. I have also created a file which might be of use to programmers, with an equivalences between the Manuel de Codage and the current Unicode encoding.

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Aten Hymn

resources text

Julio Fontan has sent me a while ago a nice version of the Aten Hymn, and has agreed for inclusion of this version in the JSesh text library. Thanks, M. Fontan!

Now, the next version of JSesh is taking some time to be published, as I have to rewrite and reorganize most menus. That's a huge cleanup...

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Gosh ! 14000 download ?

Jsesh 4.3 has been downloaded 14700 times! Ok, one of the reasons is that it has been around for a long time now (nearly a year). Don't dispair, a new version is forthcoming - but I'm cleaning up the software for this new version, and it takes lots of time.

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Two new signs collections from S. Thomas

M. Thomas has sent me a lot of new signs, both "really new" ones (in particular an impressive collection of crowns), and improved versions of existing signs (I'm particularly fond of his new G17).

Thanks again !

http://jsesh.qenherkhopeshef.org/signlib/showCollection/76 http://jsesh.qenherkhop...

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