
Thoughts about glyph encoding (V0; work in progress...)

glyphs encoding

In this article, I will try to explain what I think ideal encoding of hieroglyphic text should be. I will then proceed to explain what it would mean in practice.

I will probably write multiple versions of this page, after discussion with users.

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glyphs encoding

This small text is the first in a list about the problems of hieroglyphic encoding in practice (actually, it could qualify as the second post on the subject, as my previous post about sign D396D396 could qualify too).

I was recently asked a question about the A90 A90 sign in the JSesh library...

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About L16

glyphs encoding

I'm currently having discussions about a cleanup of the fonts, and the question of L16 has (re)appeared.

Back in 2008-2009, when M. Thomas developped most of the JSesh fonts, we had a lot of discussions about the Manuel de Codage and the like. Comparing the 1988 MdC with the Winglyph fonts, I wondered a lot about the way L16 looked in both of them.

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glyphs encoding

The sign D396 D396 is a nice example of the problems we might have with sign lists.

The sign is not in the original "Manuel de Codage", nor in the original (black lead) IFAO fonts. In the Hieroglyphica (and in JSesh current fonts), the sign is made of the eye sign on the "qd" sign (Aa28). Now,...

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