JSesh News

New signs available

A new sign family has arrived. Thanks to S. Thomas, the "T" family (weapons, etc.) will now be complete.

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Nouveau système pour parcourir la liste de signes sur le site

Je viens juste de créer un système beaucoup plus dynamique pour chercher les signes qui ont été créés pour JSesh. Jetez un œil à http://jsesh.qenherkhopeshef.org/signlib et essayez, en particulier, le dialogue "Find sign" (cliquez-le tout d'abord pour le déplier). Une recherche du code G43! peut ê...

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New sign library system on the site

I have just created a much more dynamic system for looking at the signs which have been drawn and submitted for JSesh. have a look at http://jsesh.qenherkhopeshef.org/signlib and try, in particular, the "Find sign" dialog (first click on it to unfold it). A search for the code


might be...

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Le site de JSesh en français

Le site de JSesh est en cours "d'internationalisation"... actuellement Anglais/Français, en utilisant les caractéristiques de Drupal.

Comme je ne traduirai pas forcément tout (ça vaut dans les deux sens), je ne suis pas complètement sûr que ce soit l'idée du siècle.

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JSesh at the IFAO


For the second time, I have been spending a week at L'Institut français d'archéologie orientale (IFAO), working with the scholars and the publication team to adapt JSesh to the needs of the institute, and giving tutorials to the interested parties.

JSesh has been used along with MacScribe(c) to...

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User information

(this news is completely outdated).

You can now help us improve JSesh in a very simple way: each user has now a small page "user information", in which I'll ask a few question about your uses of JSesh. The answers will be used to improve the software, and, of course, each one of them is completely...

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How to use JSesh for Publication

When you cut and paste JSesh text into Word or Openoffice, the hieroglyphs are copied as vector graphics. It's nice, and will probably print well on your own printer. But what if you want to hand your manuscript to a publisher, for an article or a book?

Things become more complicated there. Normal...

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Yet other signs

S. Thomas has just created new signs for birds and parts of birds. See in the new signs section.

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