JSesh News

News about Brill font

unicode translitteration resource

M. Pim Rietbroek, from Brill has kindly notified me that their font now supported the A7BD code for yod. Thanks a lot !

I have edited and updated the corresponding pages of the JSesh website accordingly.

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News about Unicode and Hieroglyphs


There is a large ongoing project about extending the capabilities and scope of the current Unicode representation of hieroglyphs, which involves many people, both egyptologists and IT specialists.

Mark-Jan Nederhof, the creator of the Revised Encoding Scheme, is very much involve in this projec...

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About sign E240


Sign E240 E240 is one of those weird old-kingdom signs which puzzle the reader. While looking at one of Ḥsy-rꜥ beautiful panels, I decided to write a short notice about it for JSesh sign information list.

The beginning is a bit pessimistic :

Unsure value and reading, Dilwyn Jones (o.c.) p...

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Nice (simple) play on determinative


As I was reading Pierre Tallet and Mark Lehner's book on their recent discoveries, Les papyrus de la mer rouge, I decided to encode for the JSesh libraries the text of a small stela in Serabit el-Khadim, for an official called Sobekḥerḥeb. You can find a nice photo of it p. 122 of Valbelle, Bonnet...

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JSesh 7.5.5 font catalog

documentation glyphs

It might be important to be able to compare signs from a JSesh version to another. Starting with JSesh 7.5.5, I have decided to publish a pdf document to that purpose. The document can be found on Zenodo at DOI

It's a plain list, without any comment ; the sole purpose is to display the way a certain...

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JSesh Documentation in Japanese/JSesh ユーザーズガイド


I have the pleasure to announce that Dr. Masakatsu Nagai from The University of Tokyo has recently created two documentations for JSesh in Japanese : one for beginners, and an intermediate-level documentation.

Thanks a lot for this documentation work !

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A small problem with new versions of Inkscape


The size of signs made with the latest versions of Inkscape might appear too small. See this bug report for how to solve the problem.

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Thoughts about glyph encoding (V0; work in progress...)

glyphs encoding

In this article, I will try to explain what I think ideal encoding of hieroglyphic text should be. I will then proceed to explain what it would mean in practice.

I will probably write multiple versions of this page, after discussion with users.

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A preliminary JSesh port for Android

Benjamin Wheeler has written a first working port of JSesh for Android phones. I'm very impressed by the result.

You can find it on github. Please note :

  • you can get the source code from the web site, or alternatively download the "apk" file in your mobile phone (I'll post a video about h...

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JSesh 7.5.5 released!

JSesh 7.5.5 has just been released. Be sure to check the release page, which describes the new improvements.

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