JSesh News
M. Pim Rietbroek, from Brill has kindly notified me that their font now supported the A7BD code for yod. Thanks a lot !
I have edited and updated the corresponding pages of the JSesh website accordingly.
There is a large ongoing project about extending the capabilities and scope of the current Unicode representation of hieroglyphs, which involves many people, both egyptologists and IT specialists.
Mark-Jan Nederhof, the creator of the Revised Encoding Scheme, is very much involve in this projec...
Sign E240 E240 is one of those weird old-kingdom signs which puzzle the reader. While looking at one of Ḥsy-rꜥ beautiful panels, I decided to write a short notice about it for JSesh sign information list.
The beginning is a bit pessimistic :
Unsure value and reading, Dilwyn Jones (o.c.) p...
As I was reading Pierre Tallet and Mark Lehner's book on their recent discoveries, Les papyrus de la mer rouge, I decided to encode for the JSesh libraries the text of a small stela in Serabit el-Khadim, for an official called Sobekḥerḥeb. You can find a nice photo of it p. 122 of Valbelle, Bonnet...
I have the pleasure to announce that Dr. Masakatsu Nagai from The University of Tokyo has recently created two documentations for JSesh in Japanese : one for beginners, and an intermediate-level documentation.
Thanks a lot for this documentation work !
The size of signs made with the latest versions of Inkscape might appear too small. See this bug report for how to solve the problem.
In this article, I will try to explain what I think ideal encoding of hieroglyphic text should be. I will then proceed to explain what it would mean in practice.
I will probably write multiple versions of this page, after discussion with users.
Benjamin Wheeler has written a first working port of JSesh for Android phones. I'm very impressed by the result.
You can find it on github. Please note :
- you can get the source code from the web site, or alternatively download the "apk" file in your mobile phone (I'll post a video about h...
JSesh 7.5.5 has just been released. Be sure to check the release page, which describes the new improvements.