JSesh News
JSesh 7.4.2 has just been released, with its powerful search engine, but a new version of JSesh is in the forge (probably coined 7.5.something).
I will introduce many small improvements:
- improved exports to Unicode, for both transliteration and glyphs.
- a very convenient system for inserti...
Boris Jegorovic has kindly sent me a package with two nice fonts which cover the "new" code for the Egyptological yod :
Thanks a lot!
If you know of other useful fonts, and think they should be listed on the transliteration page, feel free to mail me.
Recent versions of Mac OS X (and Windows 10) suppose that new applications are installed through a “store”.
Apple has pionneered in this domain with the Apple Store since the creation of the IPhone.
Now, stores are very convenient. They give a simple way to install new software, and allow indepen...
Occasionally, people will express concerns about the use of Java in JSesh. I would like to dispel a few legitimate fears here.
At some point, the web was crawling with warnings about security concerns in Java. But why ?
Java is a programming language and environment. By itself, a Java software c...
In the beginning of JSesh, I had a page about "books published with JSesh". Now that JSesh is more or less the mainstream editor for Hieroglyphic texts, it would be quite an overwelming task - and this website is not meant to be the OEB :-)
This being said, I am very proud to see JSesh used exte...
A number of people have asked me how to install JSesh on Ubuntu. As Linux users are a bit more expert than usual Windows and Mac Users, and as I had to revert to very specific formats for those two systems, the current "generic" distribution (that is, linux distribution) is very raw.
Anyway, runn...
This small text is the first in a list about the problems of hieroglyphic encoding in practice (actually, it could qualify as the second post on the subject, as my previous post about sign D396D396 could qualify too).
I was recently asked a question about the A90 A90 sign in the JSesh library...