JSesh News

New and improved signs

S. Thomas has recently sent me a set of very nice signs. A few of them are in fact scenes from the Louvre C15 stela, and the others are improvement over some old signs (mostly the bull sign, and various important birds).


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A few new signs and a fixed one

I have just published three new signs:


Two of them are not part of the Manuel, and a last one is a corrected version of a current sign (O141). Concerning the latter, it will replace the current JSesh O141 in the next version.

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A number of decorative signs by S. R. Banham


Mr. S. R. Banham has sent me a number of signs. They are a bit too detailled for use in normal text processing - and even sometimes a bit too fancy - and thus I don't publish them in the "sign library", but their might interest users looking for detailled and decorative signs.

Here is a short pre...

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Two new utility softwares (Updated version)

Dear all, I have uploaded two utility software, which may be of some use1:

(06/11/10 I have finally published the version I made during my stay at the IFAO. It handles, inter alia, eps files with macscribe codes)

(11/17/09 Important notice: I have just fixed a problem which made the files un...

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New signs families

As listed in the latest release, S. Thomas has sent me three new families : X, Y and Z. The full sign libraries contains lots of nice variants of interest (has a look at the available versions of Y4 or X1, for instance).

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V and W families

Two new families are available thanks to M. S. Thomas : V and W.

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Papyrus Vandier

Grâce à Patricia Cassonnet, la bibliothèque incluse dans JSesh s'enrichira prochainement du texte du Papyrus Vandier. Il reste encore à relire le document. Comme ça peut prendre un peu de temps, j'ai décidé de mettre en ligne la version actuelle, en précisant bien qu'elle peut encore contenir des co...

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New signs

Thanks to S. Thomas, yet a new bundle of signs : complements for "T", and now "U".

As usual, be careful with the codes.

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glyphs encoding

The sign D396 D396 is a nice example of the problems we might have with sign lists.

The sign is not in the original "Manuel de Codage", nor in the original (black lead) IFAO fonts. In the Hieroglyphica (and in JSesh current fonts), the sign is made of the eye sign on the "qd" sign (Aa28). Now,...

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New signs available

A new sign family has arrived. Thanks to S. Thomas, the "T" family (weapons, etc.) will now be complete.

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